欢迎阅读岛津最新环境分析尊龙凯时一人生就是博官网的解决方案(solutions for environmental analysis) | 岛津分析检测-尊龙凯时一人生就是博官网


the environmental analysis application notebook is a compilation of solution-oriented application notes, aimed to assist in your environmental analyses. the application notebook introduces various methods and reports a full range of analyses including – (1) tap water, (2) surface water, (3) waste water, (4) air and (5) soil analysis. the analytical techniques used include chromatography (gc, lc, sfc), mass spectrometry (gc-ms, lc-ms, maldi), sum parameter (toc), and spectroscopy (uv-vis, ftir, aas, icp-oes). the application notebook also features environmental guidelines and regulations (japan mhlw, us epa, european commission, etc.) which will support and provide you with insights about regulatory compliance issues.

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gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry, liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometry, mass spectrometry, molecular spectroscopy, elemental analysis, surface analysis, life science lab instruments, total organic carbon analysis, continuous monitoring analysis, uv-vis-nir spectroscopy, ftir spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, maldi-tof mass spectrometry, toc analysis, portable gas analysis

environment, drinking water, pool water, discharge water, groundwater, environment water, atmosphere, soil, fertilizer, waste material test, nexis gc-2030, gc-2010 plus, tracera, hs-20, hs-10, gcms-tq8040, gcms-qp2010, nexera uc, lcms-8060, lcms-8050, lcms-8040, uv-1280, irtracer-100, irspirit, rf-6000, aa-7000, icpe-9800, toc-lcph, cgt-7100


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